How to Plan to Learn React in 2024? (with Free Tools, Courses, and Tips)

React is an open-source frontend library developed by Facebook. This JavaScript-based library is mainly used to create the application’s user interface. Especially in the case of single-page applications.

Although there are several other frontend libraries and frameworks out there. For example Angular, Vue, Solid, Svelte, etc. However, among all these, React is the most popular among developers. As a result, the amount of job opportunities in React is also high.

If you look carefully, you will see that React has gained more popularity than all other competitive front-end tools for quite some time. This is because of React’s robust ecosystem.

In React you will find a supported framework for building any type of application. You can create full-stack web, android, iOS, windows, and Mac applications with the help of React Native. All these extra features and a strong community put React in a durable position.

So, if you are determined to learn React in 2024, great choice. By the end of this article, you will have a clear view of how to start learning React effectively in 2024. Below are some essential free tools, courses, and planning tips to make your React journey smoother.

Pre-requirements for Learning React

Learning React is much easier if you have a prior understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn React as a beginner. Even if you are completely new to the programming world, you can easily learn React.

But to have a smooth learning experience, at least some basic knowledge of JavaScript will be a plus. Below are some links from where you can learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics for free.

  1. HTML: W3schools, DesignCourse
  2. CSS: W3schools, DesignCourse
  3. JavaScript: W3schools, Tech With Tim

Am I Ready to Learn React?

If you are determined and have a strong gut feeling about learning React, then you are ready to learn React development. There is literally nothing that can stop you from learning React if you have the dedication.

Also, there are a few points you can look at to know if you are ready to learn React development.

If you consider some points briefly mentioned below, you will understand how ready you are for React development.

Motivation and Patience:

Learning any new technology takes some time and effort. Nothing happens overnight. Ask yourself if you can handle that.

It is also important to always stay motivated. Because many times you may face various problems in learning React, then you should not lose motivation and become disinterested in learning.

So before anything starts, ask yourself if you are ready to invest some time and effort to learn React development.

Understanding of Web Development Concepts:

An understanding of the basic concepts of web development will further enhance the React learning journey. If you have a decent understanding of basic concepts like Document Object Model (DOM), HTTP Requests, WebSockets, and Restful APIs then you are in a very suitable position. You can learn React very easily.

Basic Programming Concepts:

Do you have an idea about the basic concepts of programming such as variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements? If the answer is yes, that’s great. Understanding these basic programming concepts makes acquiring any development skill much easier and faster.

Command Line Tool Familiarity:

Ever used a command line tool? If you want to learn React, it’s good to know some command line tools. Although it is not mandatory.

Not only React but almost all web development technologies are more efficient to operate from the command line. And it is kind of the industry standard.

So it is better to know how to use some command line tools. But it is not that difficult. If you don’t know, it is absolutely okay. From day one of learning React development, you’ll learn how to use the basic command line. So don’t worry about that.

If the answer to the above questions is yes then you are perfectly ready to learn React Development. Also if the answer is no you can still learn to React. There are many free React learning resources available online for complete beginners.

Free Tools and Resources for React Development

There are many free and paid resources to learn React development. However, since this article promises to show all the free resources, the paid resources will be ignored for now. Let’s take a look at the tools and resources needed to learn React as a beginner.

Development Tools for React:

#1 Vite

Most developers start React projects with Create React App (CRA). But in the React world, this is now somewhat old-fashioned. Currently, there are several CRA alternatives out there. Among them, Vite is also one of the most popular. Read this article to know why Vite is better than CRA and an in-depth performance comparison.

Tutorial: Start a React Project with VIte.

#2 Dev Tools Extension

React Developer Tools is a browser extension. With the help of this extension, various bugs in the application can be easily identified and debugged. It’s normal for a new React developer to make some coding mistakes in the beginning. So it is possible to avoid some beginner mistakes with the help of React developer tools.

Chrome Extension: React Developer Tools.

Firefox Extension: React Developer Tools.

Learning Resources:

#1 freeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that teaches a variety of programming and development technologies for free. FreeCodeCamp’s learning materials are more in-depth and high quality than other free resources.

Free Course Link: Learn React 18 with Redux Toolkit – Full Tutorial for Beginners.

#2 Web Dev Simplified

Web Dev Simplified is a YouTube channel. This channel talks about all the web development technologies in a simplified way. Although it is not completely free like freeCodeCamp, this channel has a beginner-friendly free course on React.

Free Course Link: Learn React with This One Project.

#3 W3Schools

When it comes to learning web dev or programming-related material in a quick and easy way, nothing can be better than W3Schools. It provides various programming tutorial courses for free in the form of blog posts. And it’s so well organized.

Free Course Link: React Tutorial by W3Schools.

#4 React Documentation

Every programming language, framework, or library has an official document.

Documentation has various learning materials available on that topic. But here the official documentation resource is given the last position. Because sometimes the official documentation is not beginner-friendly.

So if you find it difficult to understand anything from the React documentation, you can start learning React from the simpler resources given above.

Official Docs: Learn React from Official Documentation.

State Management Learning Resources

State reflects the current condition of a component, code block, variable, object, etc. Think whenever there are some data changes, it’s update or change something on the application. This work is basically done by the state. This is the fundamental part of React.

As the application grows larger or more complex, the amount of state increases. So it is necessary to know proper state management to organize all the states efficiently.

There are many tools out there for state management. However, two of the most popular tools in the React world are Context API and Redux.

#1 Context API

The Context API is React’s default state management system. As a beginner learning the Context API will get you most of the work done.

Free Course Link: Context API in React | Get The Concept.

#2 Redux

Redux is one of the most robust state management tools. This is a very good solution for large-scale applications. Redux can be used with other front-end tools besides React. So if you learn Redux, you can manage the state in all kinds of front-end tools.

Free Course Link: Learn Redux Toolkit in Under 1 Hour.

UI Libraries for React Development

With React, developers basically create the user interface (UI) of the application. However, some UI libraries can be used to speed up the work. Such libraries come up with various (UI) elements pre-built. Let’s see some most common libraries in React.

#1 Material UI

Material UI (MUI) is one of the most popular libraries in React. It follows modern clean and minimal design guidelines. And has a large component library including buttons, navigation, forms, footers, and more.

Official Docs: Material UI Library.

#2 Chakra UI

Chakra UI has been gaining popularity among developers in recent times. This is because of its user-friendly approach. Theme-driven this UI library provides developers with high customization and flexibility options.

Official Docs: Chakra UI Library.

#3 Ant Design

Ant Design primarily provides a business and enterprise-friendly UI library. It supports the right-to-left (RTL) layout and provides developers with many complex UI components. Which is very crucial for business applications.

Official Docs: Ant Design UI Library.

Code Editors for React:

Any kind of development project will need a code editor, whether it is React or any other technology. There are many code editors for React, but two of the most popular are Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and CodeSandbox (online-based).

#1 VSCode

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a perfect solution for almost any kind of development. This is an open-source free code editor that is the most famous one among the developers. It has the largest community and plugin ecosystem.

Download Link: Install Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

#2 CodeSandbox

Codesandbox is an online-based virtual IDE. That is, no installation is required in the local machine. This is basically well-known for react development. If you find installing a code editor on the local machine a bit of a hassle, then use CodeSandbox.

Although there is a paid subscription to Codesandbox. However, its free plan is capable enough. Whatever it takes as a beginner to practice React, you will get almost everything in Codesandbox.

Link: Use Codesandbox for React

React Community and Forums

React is a very popular front and library. Its community is much larger and vast. You will find the community of React on all kinds of social media. It would be very helpful to join a particular community as a beginner. This will allow you to learn from other experienced developers.

#1 Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a developer-focused community platform. This is the most respected from any other platform among developers. You will find solutions to any kind of development-related problem on this platform. Whether it’s simple or highly complex.

#2 Reactiflux

Reactiflux is a dedicated discard server. Where you can chat with other React developers. This is a very active community. And some React-related discussions happen all the time.

#3 Dev Community

The Dev community is a platform for the Developer’s Story to share. Many experienced React developers here share their Journey, Story, and Quick Tutorials. From this beginners can gain a lot of Insightful Knowledge.

React Learning Tips

Thank you very much for reading the article so far. Below are some points that will be helpful in your React learning journey.

  1. JavaScript is very vast a programming language. It will take a long time to know the full details. Instead try to learn the main points like functions, classes, loops, modules, and ES6 syntax. It will save time. Later you will learn the rest gradually as you work.
  2. JSX is a way to use HTML within JavaScript. You will learn all the React code in this format. So get comfortable with it.
  3. To get a successful outcome in any matter, you have to work with consistency. Learning React development is no exception. So maintain consistency with practice. You will start getting better results with time.
  4. Join a React community. This will help you make more connections and create more curiosity towards learning.
  5. Do not start any complex project at the beginning. It can sometimes feel stressful. Which can destroy your motivation to learn. Do small successful projects according to your level of knowledge. This will help to understand the fundamentals more easily.
  6. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Experiment with different React concepts without fear. By doing this you can gain many types of problem-solving experience. That leads you to a more capable developer.
  7. New libraries, frameworks, and updates are constantly coming to React World. Keep yourself updated and be a contemporary developer.
  8. React is more robust than other front-end tools. So it is normal that the learning curve will be a bit higher. Embrace this learning curve with joy. Never be demotivated while learning.
  9. Start a React side project. By doing this you can learn many real-world problems. Moreover, after completing the side project successfully, you can monetize it in some way. Also, It will enhance your portfolio.

These were some tips on learning React. Remember that React development is a continuous learning journey. So keep working on that.


Learning React can open up many new possibilities as a front-end developer. Although it has a bit of a steep learning curve, its strong ecosystem, community, vastness, and number of job availability make it worth the effort.

In this article, we share all the free resources to help you become a successful React front-end developer. So prepare your 2024 and set the goal for mastering React. Wish you the best of luck. ❤️❤️

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